Thursday, July 25, 2013

Roll Out the Red Carpet... We Are Going to Hollywood!

I am so excited to have finally finished my Hollywood reading and writing workshop unit! This unit is so much fun for the kids and for the teachers. I'm planning on starting it the second week of school, so I will post lots of pictures and ideas. The unit teaches the 2nd grade character standard as well as narrative writing. Also, if you are a Georgia 2nd grade teacher, we will be teaching the Georgia historic figures as "Georgia Stars". I also will incorporate a movie making aspect to the unit as well. The parents always love coming for the "Movie Premier" and see thier kids win "Oscars"! 

If you are interested, you can grab the unit here!


  1. Very cute! Love that you went to Montevallo!
    (new follower! =)
    First Grade Blue SKies

  2. I just nominated you for the Liebster Award.
    Come on over to my blog & check out the details :)


    1. Oh my goodenss! THank you so much! I'm so excited!
